💢Requirements (Projects)

  1. KYC (Know Your Customer)

  2. Testing your token on our Launchpad (Testnet)

  3. Verified Smart Contract

  4. Medium article

  5. Website

  6. Twitter presence

  7. Discord community

  8. Create a 6/9 Multisig wallet (you must add 4 community members from the Harmony Community). We'll send the funds to the Multisig.

  9. Approval from $JKS holders via snapshot vote

  10. Purchase a variable amount of $JKS tokens and burn them (approximately $100 worth)

  11. Accept and sign our terms and conditions

Once you have met these 10 requirements and obtained approval from us, you will be listed on our Launchpad.

Note: Do not purchase and burn $JKS tokens until you receive approval from us for listing on our launchpad.

Last updated