
Once we open trading (24H After end of PHASE 2), you can swap $ONE to receive $JKS on https://swap.harmony.one/. Remember to always verify the $JKS contract address.

Follow this tutorial to learn how to swap your $ONE for $JKS:

  1. Go to https://swap.harmony.one/

  2. Connect your wallet

  3. Copy the $JKS contract address: 0x643C21e19c672bA02e911eE8bB1805B9BE025e72

  4. Keep $ONE and click on "select token"

  5. Paste the $JKS token address.

  6. Click on $JKS

  7. Choose the number of $ONE you want to swap, and you'll see how much $JKS you'll receive

  8. Click on "Swap"

  9. Click on "Confirm Swap"

Once the transaction is approved, you'll need to go to your Metamask, click on import tokens, paste the contract address of the $JKS token, and confirm. After that, you'll see your $JKS tokens in your Metamask.

Last updated