Smart Contracts
*Harmony: 0x25993a8f2cac2e7F35442DA29CB2BAC88ff78654
Polygon: 0xC814e6De8e8743184Ef14FD7966eC5D594e7377F
Binance Smart Chain: 0xdDA7EeC5320dECB9F8254D49b6Dbc709b8b5b393
*Important Notice: Verification of Smart Contracts on Harmony Chain
Unfortunately, the current Harmony Explorer does not support Thirdweb smart contracts, making it impossible for us to verify them on the Harmony chain. However, all smart contracts for our NFT Marketplace have undergone thorough audits.
To view the smart contract, please create a free Thirdweb account at Thirdweb Contracts and import the smart contract to your Thirdweb dashboard. Please note that this issue is specific to the Harmony chain.
Last updated